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Lettering Tattoos

Written By admin_AK on Thursday, February 14, 2013 | 3:30 AM


Many people start out wondering how to find good lettering tattoos. They then pull up a search engine and go to work. All that is usually found is low end, generic letter artwork and a slew of over saturated designs. The truth is that there are tons of great designs out there, but most never find them. Well, here is how to locate the tons of great lettering tattoos you've been missing out on. I have seen it so many times before, and I have actually done it myself in the past. Most people (95%) will rely on a simple search engine result to find their tattoo artwork. Actually, this goes for any tattoo designs in general. They type in their keywords and settle on one of the first things that come up in the results. Most of the time, this will not lead you to the great lettering tattoos. What it does is bring you to page after page of cookie cutter type letter and designs that are probably inked on five hundred other people.

So, what is a good way to find the great lettering tattoos, since search engine don't; always do it? That part is easy. You can actually use to huge amount of information that internet forums contain to find superb lettering tattoos. Why forums? Because they are packed full of real live people. The people have real opinions and know good artwork when they see it. If you use a forums "search" function, you can pull up all of the past topics that they have had on tattoo artwork. It is inside of these topics where you can find the tons of links that people post to the galleries they have found over the years.

Lettering tattoo was made popular by celebrities such as Madonna, Britney Spears and Victoria Beckham. The Hebrew script has diagrammatic and elegant characters making them ideal and perfect for tattoos. Those who get these would like to imply their religious or spiritual belief specifically the teachings of Kabbalah . Kanji originated from China and were later adopted by the Japanese for their writing system. They are very popular as lettering tattoos because the characters are ideographic and visually attractive, each representing a whole idea or object.

Chinese symbols being used as tattoos are another popular type. Strong words such as "strength", "love", "wisdom" and others are being translated into Chinese characters. The brush strokes of Chinese calligraphy have particular shapes and strokes so one must not add their own artistic flair as it can easily change its meaning. Unlike the other foreign language, Latin is easier to translate and pronounce. Some of the famous European languages such as French, Italian and Spanish originated from the Latin vocabulary. As for tattoos, the ones being used are usually phrases and quotes that the tattoo wearer can relate to. Despite it being practically a dead language, its appeal and charm still remain.

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