Home » » Lotus Flower Tattoo Designs

Lotus Flower Tattoo Designs

Written By admin_AK on Sunday, February 17, 2013 | 3:52 AM


Lotus flower tattoo designs work well for a variety of reasons. First they can be sized and placed just about anywhere. Of course they make super sexy lower back tattoo designs but they can also work for a man on his shoulder. They work well on a leg, calf, hip or just about anywhere and on either sex. This makes it a great tattoo design. It is also full of brilliant color making it a wonderful design that really stands out. It can easily be enhanced with vines, water, or even certain gods or other religious symbols. It can also be sized from really large for a full back design to really small for the top of a foot design. No matter where you want your next tattoo or what size you want it you might want to consider a lotus flower tattoo.

Every person of course chooses their lotus flower tattoo designs carefully and they often have some reasoning behind the choices they make. So a lotus flower can mean one thing to a person and then something else to another person. It is always that way with tattoos the symbolism and reasons for getting the tattoo are as individual as the people who get them. However, this beautiful flowery design has a historical and symbolic significance behind it that attract many people to this design.

The lotus flower is an incredibly beautiful flower and one that has an amazing story behind it. Lotus flowers start down in the muck and mud of areas of still water. They grow a small bud with a vine. Over time the bud's vine starts to grown up and the bud begins it's journey towards the surface of the water. At first the bud is facing downwards towards the much and mud. However, as it rises to the surface it starts to turn itself around and point towards the sun. Once the bud reaches up and over the top of the water line it starts to unfold and the leave blossom into an incredible flower. To the Buddhist and Hindu religion this journey that the flower makes is symbolic of the journey that a person's soul must make towards enlightenment.

Another great part of these lotus flower tattoo designs is that they are customized for you if you want them to be. You can get one sized, colored, and add details to it to fit your needs completely. You can combine two different designs to make your tattoo and if you want to you can even design your own by taking things out and putting things in. You are able to do this because they are so flexible. You can also test many of these tattoos to see what you like. They are available in temporary tattoos or you can get yourself a hemp tattoo that will last for a few weeks that is of the lotus flower tattoo design.

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