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Wrist Tattoo

Written By admin_AK on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 | 3:07 AM


Wrist tattoo gives you complete freedom of expression in a really unique and individual way. Wrist tattoos are coming into popularity but not overexposed. Any word, phrase, or image that appeals to you can usually be tattooed on your wrist, so the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Wrist tattoos are so popular for a lot of reasons. They are small , showy, one-of-a-kind, and versatile. You can express whatever you want with a wrist tattoo. If you get one, you'd better be okay with being the center of attention. Wrist tattoos are incredibly easy to spot, and you're sure to be asked all about why you got it, when you got it, and how it felt.

You're probably curious about the pain level as well. Tattoos are not a walk in the park, but your skin adjusts after the few five minutes and then it's not so bad. People say it feels similar to bee stings, pinching, or sunburn. Not only does it vary by individual, but by the size and location of the tattoo. It's not as painful to tattoo a fleshy part of the body as it is to tattoo thin skin over bones. So a wrist tattoo will probably hurt more than other types of tattoos, but it won't be for long. Wrist tattoo come in three basic varieties: the wraparound tattoo, the top of the wrist, or the inside of the wrist. The wraparound or "bracelet" style is a popular choice, inspired most likely from the bicep armbands higher up on the arm. There are a lot of creative possibilities for this kind of tattoo. Tattoos on the top of the wrist are much more visible. In fact, other than the hand or face, they're probably the most prominent location for a tattoo. Inner wrist tattoos are unique and bold.

The popularity of the wrist tattoo is probably for a good reason. They are small and inexpensive, expressive and prominent, unique, and versatile. Be sure if you get a wrist tattoo that you don't mind being the center of attention, because when someone notices that you've got one (and they probably will) you'll be inundated with questions about why you got it, when you got it, and how much it hurt! In fact, you may be wondering how much getting a wrist tattoo hurts. Well, getting punctured repeatedly with a needle isn't exactly comfortable, but your skin does get used to it after the first few minutes. People often compare it to a bee sting, a sunburn, or a pinch. It varies, of course, depending on a person's pain tolerance and the size and location of the tattoo.

There are three types of popular wrist tattoo, the bracelet style, a tattoo on the top of the wrist, or a tattoo on the bottom of the wrist. The bracelet style is a lot like an armband around the bicep, but around the wrist instead. Many people like this unique look and use a lot of creativity in how they create their custom wraparound tattoo. The top of the wrist is more visible. Other than hand or facial tattoos, these types are the most noticeable. Tattoos on the inner wrist are currently popular with many celebrities. Small images or words can be inked on the inner wrist to make a powerful statement.

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